Businesses subject to the Act Respecting Contracting by Public Bodies and required to obtain authorization from the Autorité des marchés publics (AMP) are those involved in a bidding or awarding process for contracts and subcontracts with ministries, public bodies, state-owned enterprises, and municipalities in Quebec, involving an expenditure equal to or exceeding the thresholds set by the government.
The provincial threshold is set at:
$5 million for any contract or subcontract for construction work or public-private partnership;
$1 million for any contract or subcontract for services awarded through a bidding process or negotiated directly.
This includes, where applicable, the amount of expenditure that would be incurred if all renewal options were exercised.
Thresholds for the City of Montreal
In April 2024, changes were made to the thresholds beyond which authorization to contract is required to obtain certain public contracts and subcontracts from the City of Montreal.
Therefore, these contracts and subcontracts are now subject to the provincial thresholds previously identified.
The threshold for the City of Montreal was previously set at $100,000, for any contract:
For construction, reconstruction, demolition, repair or renovation work relating to roads, waterworks or sewers;
For supply of bituminous coatings;
For services related to construction, reconstruction, demolition, repair or renovation in matters roads, waterworks or sewers.
In addition, the threshold for the City of Montreal was set at $25,000 for subcontracts directly or indirectly attached to contracts covered by the $100,000 threshold mentioned above, for any subcontract:
For construction, reconstruction, demolition, repair or renovation work relating to roads, waterworks or sewers;
For supply of bituminous coatings;
For services related to construction, reconstruction, demolition, repair or renovation in matters roads, waterworks or sewers.
These contracts and subcontracts are now subject to the provincial thresholds previously identified.