Authorization to contract
Any business that wishes to conclude public contracts or public subcontracts must, if the contract involves an expenditure equal to or greater than the amount determined by the government, submit an application to the Autorité des marchés publics in order to obtain an authorization to contract.
Once the AMP has received a complete application for authorization, initiates the verifications relevant to its evaluation. In addition, the AMP also considers the results of the audits submitted by the Associate Commissionner of the Unité permanente anticorruption regarding the following elements : the enterprises’s illegal sources of financing or the connections it maintains or has previously maintained with a criminal organisation. The AMP could also require the Associate Commissionner to perform occasional audits regarding any other elements specified in provisions 21.26 to 21.28 of the LCOP. After consideration, the AMP then decides whether or not to grant an authorization to the applicant.
An authorization to contract is valid for five years since June 2, 2023. The conditions must be maintained for the entire duration of the authorization period. A company that requests such an authorization must pay the fee determined by the Conseil du trésor to analyze its file.
To prove the validity of your authorization
Enterprises whose authorization to contract was valid on June 2, 2023 have received a confirmation email from the AMP telling them that their authorization to contract has been extended by two years.
To prove the validity of their authorization to contract, enterpises simply need to add a copy of the AMP confirmation email to the authorization to contract letter they usually attach to tender submission documents. Both documents are valid and must be accepted by public bodies.